In this YouTube video “Japan’s ancient secret to better cognitive memory” by BBC Reel they show how kids in Japan use a century-old abacus to do super complicated calculations in their head. So fascinating! I was not aware that using an abacus is still thought somewhere, especially in developed countries like Japan. But I’m even more impressed by how fast these kids can calculate, for example multiplying seven figure numbers.
The reason they are so fast in calculating is (probably) because the abacus is a form of extension of their brain. It improves the memorization and concentration skills.
The abacus itself is a tool which is used to count and keep track of large sums. It most likely originated in Babylon about 5,000 years ago.
Just look at the kids, how fast they are! Honestly, I couldn’t even do those calculations any close as fast as they do, even when I use an electric calculator. This is so fascinating, and I’m delighted I learned about it.