
Occasionally, I feel like writing about a specific project, or random things and thoughts. This can be some very personal stuff, anything business related, or just something else I’m interested in. This is my personal space and I write about whatever I want and feel like. Overall, whatever it might be: You’ll find it here.

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Feeling a bit better | weekly review

I’m not motivated | weekly review

I'm not motivated to write anything. No changes to the last weeks. Feel like a failure. There was some sun this week, and it's also not too cold for October. I enjoyed that. What else can I write? I don't know. Don't really remember what has happened this week if I'm...

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Feeling a bit better | weekly review

Same as last week | Weekly Review

This week has been the same, as last week. I don’t really feel like writing anything, but don’t want to not write anything either. I still feel like last week, very unsure and without a lot of self-confidence. While I have been working on some things, I think it was...

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