Occasionally, I feel like writing about a specific project, or random things and thoughts. This can be some very personal stuff, anything business related, or just something else I’m interested in. This is my personal space and I write about whatever I want and feel like. Overall, whatever it might be: You’ll find it here.
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Feeling a bit better | weekly review
I am feeling a bit better this week. I'm still writing morning pages, as well as reading a lot. Furthermore, I'm working on a proposal for a potential client, which I have to send out tomorrow, Monday. It's a complicated proposal, but I will finish it tomorrow...

Don’t feel like writing here | weekly review
I honestly don't really feel like writing here. Last weekend I've been sick (cold). Hence, I didn't write anything last week. I'm reading a lot, and write morning pages every day. This week I met a few interesting people and had nice conversations. Furthermore, I got...

Overthinking and back to morning pages | weekly review
This week, I’ve been overthinking a lot. However, because of a good conversation on Monday, with that man who was in New Zealand, I remembered the morning pages. While I’ve been overthinking a lot, especially in the beginning and mid of the week, I slowly feel a bit...

Tired & bad weather but nice conversations | weekly review
This week I’ve been tired all the time and the weather has been awful. Almost no sun, except for Saturday. Had a few nice conversations, though. In general, I do feel a bit better. While I still don’t sleep, and not any income in sight stresses me out a lot, I feel a...

Golden October & a bit better | weekly review
It’s the end of October, we just changed back to winter time today. The weather is mostly great. However, I still feel bad. Not a lot I can say in terms of how I feel compared to the last weeks. I still feel very anxious. I don’t sleep a lot. I’m scared. Overall, I...

I’m not motivated | weekly review
I'm not motivated to write anything. No changes to the last weeks. Feel like a failure. There was some sun this week, and it's also not too cold for October. I enjoyed that. What else can I write? I don't know. Don't really remember what has happened this week if I'm...

Still unsure, but Aurora Borealis in Kiel! | weekly review
I’m still not sure how I want to go on. I’m still not happy with myself. Slowly I’m getting some motivation, though. And we had Aurora Borealis in Kiel! It was so nice to see! Over the last two, three weeks I’ve been struggling a lot. Doubting myself. Unsure what’s...

Worst day of the year | weekly review
It was this day of the year again: The worst one… It was on Tuesday. Today I’m feeling better already, but I did not enjoy this week. Every year at the end of September, and especially beginning of October, I feel terrible. It has been the worst day of the year. Like...

Same as last week | Weekly Review
This week has been the same, as last week. I don’t really feel like writing anything, but don’t want to not write anything either. I still feel like last week, very unsure and without a lot of self-confidence. While I have been working on some things, I think it was...

Self-doubts & motivational call | Weekly Review
This week was mainly about self-doubts and low self-esteem. However, I also had a motivational call with one of my former teammates from ice hockey. And the sun was out; nice and warm outside! Recap: What has happened this week? The person from last week who requested...